Digital Marketing | Everything You Need to Know

Digital Marketing is made up of two words Digital and Marketing. Digital indicates the signals that is 0’s and 1’s which are utilized in digital world. Marketing indicates the procedure of endorsing/selling your business services and products. The Marketing which is performed with the assist of digital channels is regarded as Digital Marketing.

Travis Burch Gold Coast, the digital marketing professional explains in Digital Marketing, the marketers attach with the customers and the prospective clients via Websites, Social Media Platforms, Emails, Blogs, etc. Digital Marketing is thus carried out over Internet and also regarded as Internet Marketing/Online Marketing.

Travis Burch Gold Coast

How Is Digital Marketing Different From Traditional Marketing?

Traditional marketing includes advertising in radio, newspapers, billboards, TV, flyers, etc. Suppose that a business gives an announcement in a leading newspaper. Now, let us understand how much influence this advertisement would create.

Is this advertisement only particular to the target audience?

No, this will cover all the people who read that specific newspaper. This means you are trying to endorse your business erratically. Also, for how numerous days will your ad be active? The advertisement will be printed in the paper only for a day for which the payment is made. This indicates that readers would not be able to see your ad next day, unless you pay.

Also in this digital era, how many individuals actually see advertisements in newspaper? The reply is very few.

Now, let us assume that the same business is using digital marketing to endorse its business. The business made a Facebook page and started putting posts to endorse the business there.

In addition, the business would be able to target a set of spectators while using digital marketing as a channel of marketing. The likes, comments, and user reviews on the posts will remain everlastingly.  This is one of the best advantages of having digital assets for your trade.

Digital Marketing Tactics

  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

The marketing which is conducted utilizing social media platforms is known as Social Media Marketing. Social Media is an important part of our lives and is no more limited to just connecting with friends and sharing pictures.

Businesses are using social media platforms widely to endorse their products and services. Also, Social media platforms are offering a range of services to businesses attain this. From social media pages to promoted stories and post, there is a varied range of promotional services available to businesses to endorse themselves on social media. Few of the social media platforms used for SMM are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Quora, etc.

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is a procedure of making a website rank higher on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). A business may have a very good website. But what is the use of having a wonderful website which is not discovered by people? People usually click on the top links of the search results on the first page of results. Thus, it becomes necessary to rank higher on search engine results page to get exposed by people. And, to achieve this, Travis Burch Gold Coast says SEO is the most significant activity.

Travis Burch Gold Coast says that a lot of businesses are doing digital marketing as it is more competent and effectual way of marketing.


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